garden crime scene : 2006 San Gabriel Valley Poetry Calendar
1 haiku : AHA! Poetry
Spock's Laser : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #55 – Poem of the Week for December 26, 2005
In the Black Light Mötley Crüe Room : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #55
shoulder keg : Get Underground
A Writer Writes : Get Underground
American Art : Get Underground
Descriptions of the Process (when she was blonde, too!) : Get Underground
Great Oil : Get Underground
International House of Bibles : children churches & daddies
Waiting for the Breakfast Burrito Clown : Instant Pussy Issue #1
Nights in Satan’s Cervix : Instant Pussy Issue #1
Dog Meat Burrito : Instant Pussy Issue #1
Crowe’s Favorite Recipe : Instant Pussy Issue #1
Swear to God : Instant Pussy Issue #1
The Howl of the White Wolf : Instant Pussy Issue #1
anyone’s guess : Haggard & Halloo
A Blister on the Heel of the Good-Time Foot : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #54
Oakland Raiders pseudo-haiku #2 : AntiMuse
Oakland Raiders pseudo-haiku #1 : AntiMuse
I’ve been turning into a reptile all day : AntiMuse
Mr. Lee : Thieves Jargon
Where Have I Seen Your Face Before? : Thieves Jargon
Give me a holler th’ next time that ol’ flesh wagon comes rollin' through town : Thieves Jargon
politely ask me again : Bohème
fix that piano : Bohème
Donny’s : Haggard & Halloo
Boulder, 1:02 a.m. : Scorched Earth
How do you like my typing machine? : The Cerebral Catalyst
The Flies with Tiny Halos : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #53
’T’ain’t easy bein’ th’ Cowboy Crab : The Cerebral Catalyst
Hemp is my Pepsi (KISS Museum) : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #52
p(eel) : Blue Mag
Gree-e-e-e-ns : Haggard & Halloo
Sweet Dreams in Stone : Bohème
wee speak : Bohème
night-night : Literary Chaos
Chuckwagon : Literary Chaos
a quick search reveals : Literary Chaos
penguin w/ amnesia : Literary Chaos
88.5 FM : Literary Chaos
something’s broken on TV : Thieves Jargon
7mm wiggle eyes : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #51
in a way, : remark. Issue 38
our love : remark. Issue 38
Homeland Security : :::nostress:::
Elephant Garden : Misanthropists Anonymous Issue #6
Oh, Fish Eat Bugs, Too : Misanthropists Anonymous Issue #6
pyramids on the side : Misanthropists Anonymous Issue #6
God Eats Applesauce : Misanthropists Anonymous Issue #6
nice pattern, Rabbit! : Haggard & Halloo
rapid missile action : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #50
Howdy : Bohème
annuit coeptis : Bohème
5:15 AM : LitVision
nice bug softy : LitVision
Jack’s Diner : Thick with Conviction
Near Santa Fe, NM : Thick with Conviction
short commercial break : Thick with Conviction
theater tickets : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #49
citizen model: X-ACT : MindFire Issue 4
iced-tea & cheese popcorn : Underground Window Vol. 2, Issue 10
we clean : Underground Window Vol. 2, Issue 10
big bopper, comet : Underground Window Vol. 2, Issue 10
Haiku No. 67 : Underground Window Vol. 2, Issue 10
scarab skull : Underground Window Vol. 2, Issue 10
jazz odyssey : Underground Window Vol. 2, Issue 10
001 – Tokyo Breakfast : Underground Window Vol. 2, Issue 10
Killing a second or two, I yodeled into my granola : Underground Window Vol. 2, Issue 10
a shower & tea : Underground Window Vol. 2, Issue 10
a basket of baby tarantulas : Underground Window Vol. 2, Issue 10
leave me alone today : Lunatic Chameleon No. 6 (print)
exploring inner spaces : Lunatic Chameleon No. 6 (print)
Is this your idea of a hot chocolate joke? : Lunatic Chameleon No. 6 (print)
Another Poem About Pants : :::nostress:::
cornbread : Haggard & Halloo
I’m eating my hands : Paradox Poetry
dude. : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #48
Discreto como pedo de monja : StrangeRoad
too mad (angry) to speak? : StrangeRoad
easy if you try : StrangeRoad
the tenor saxophonist : StrangeRoad
the science fair for grown-ups : StrangeRoad
bloodlord : StrangeRoad
la da dee dee, la dee da da : StrangeRoad
ant poem : StrangeRoad
an owl in the cornfield on xmas morning : Haggard & Halloo
Rules Are Rules : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #47
should I? : Megaera 23
supernews about the baby : Megaera 23
(This is the “Note”) : Megaera 23
Smiling Copperhead : Megaera 23
Sunday : Word Riot
unemployment poem : Word Riot
oh, all right : Word Riot
red ant extract in tiny crystal vials : Bohème
Señor Robot Finds a Way to Explain : :::nostress:::
Where Am I? : Asinine Poetry
curb check : Misanthropists Anonymous Issue #5
Throw Away Your Dream Dictionaries : Misanthropists Anonymous Issue #5
what’s the difference? : Misanthropists Anonymous Issue #5
Mr. Crispy vs. the Happy Math Wizard : DADA Yow!
Ol’ Ezra vs. The Magnet Man & His Noise Machines : DADA Yow!
The King of Thieves vs. the Super Cowboy Marlowe Bros. : DADA Yow!
amplitude modulation : Haggard & Halloo
Hell, I wrote it! : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #46
4 rings : Defenestration
everyday overlord : Thieves Jargon
A quarter-stick of dog shit : Thieves Jargon
jungle man for a new tomorrow : Thieves Jargon
canteen full of gasoline : The Unholy Biscuit Issue 4
Haiku No. 210 : The Unholy Biscuit Issue 4
plaster your capsule with pod posters : The Unholy Biscuit Issue 4
(in a space where the water flows like women) : The Unholy Biscuit Issue 4
secret chomp atmospheric bitters : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #45
teach me to breathe : hutt 2.1
I’m down to my last pine cone : Bohème
untitled dream : Bohème
That’s It – It’s Over : The Dream People
JULY 2005
Haiku No. 208 : :::nostress:::
jimi : :::nostress:::
sit on your lily pad : :::nostress:::
Look at the Wildflowers, Mr. P. : Haggard & Halloo
strange day : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #44
the flavor parade : Canopic Jar Nº 15
tingling nerve wad : Canopic Jar Nº 15
Under Duster : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #43
At 11 o’clock, it’s 39 degrees in Denver. : Haggard & Halloo
Anaconda in a Bottle : The Sidewalk’s End Volume 6, Issue 6
Slivers of butter on me casket... : :::nostress:::
blimp ship number seven : Bohème
easy denim drill sgt. : The TMP Irregular Issue #36
JUNE 2005
haiku : tinywords
Black coffee zombie code 27 : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #42
cloaked bubble cluster : ken*again Vol. 6, No. 2
laughing dolphins : ken*again Vol. 6, No. 2
I stood there, examining my own fingerprints : ken*again Vol. 6, No. 2
eventually : Mastodon Dentist Issue Three
we don’t die – we multiply! : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #41
This is the oil slick : Haggard & Halloo
I can say everything : Lunatic Chameleon
SHOUTING @ ME : Lunatic Chameleon
free tour : Lunatic Chameleon
a tingling pointed head : Switchback Issue 2, Vol. 1
MAY 2005
Xylophone Cake Fish :::nostress:::
captive number 452103757 : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #40
{crackle pop radio news overlapping} : Haggard & Halloo
the power of picante : DADA Yow!
near the small islands where frogs sing arias & bumblebees make honey pies : DADA Yow!
nice knife out tonight : DADA Yow!
Pizza of the Artist as a Young Man : Lunatic Chameleon
Specialty Pies : Lunatic Chameleon
Regarding My Hesitation in Submitting an Anti-Bush Poem : Lunatic Chameleon
gold fronts for your birthday : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #39
this will take the bite right out of the beast : Idiot’s Manifesto Issue 4
in the woods with wolves : Idiot’s Manifesto Issue 4
drowning in octopus ink : My Favorite Bullet Vol. VI Issue III
Month : My Favorite Bullet Vol. VI Issue III
Eadar da theine Bhealltuinn : :::nostress:::
St. Ides of March : Zygote in My Coffee Issue #38
earthbound capsule : Get Underground
GOAT WOOF : Literary Chaos
APRIL 2005
ZAP! : Haggard & Halloo
in a garbage truck, taking notes : Dada, Surrealism & Absurdism
The Universe at the End of the Restaurant : Dada, Surrealism & Absurdism
this song is for your scaly feet : Dada, Surrealism & Absurdism
vanilla-banana alabama pajamas : Haggard & Halloo
unchained : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #37
Room K at the Horror Hotel : Sein und Werden the fourth
toothsome : Sein und Werden the fourth
chained to the speakers : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #36
Kathy Rhinestones : :::nostress:::
eggshell sand + molten ice mist : Ten Thousand Monkeys
mornin’ : Ten Thousand Monkeys
Yellow Rabbit Works it Out : Ten Thousand Monkeys
three feet & a pair of flashing arrows : Misanthropists Anonymous Issue #3
lump sums held in one’s throat : Misanthropists Anonymous Issue #3
Gone Again : Misanthropists Anonymous Issue #3
Boulder: 9/12/01 : Misanthropists Anonymous Issue #3
new bug one : Prose Toad Vol. 2 No. 2
extra sauce is extra sauce : Prose Toad Vol. 2 No. 2
monster make mess : Prose Toad Vol. 2 No. 2
egress : Prose Toad Vol. 2 No. 2
aspic : Prose Toad Vol. 2 No. 2
polite bus poem : Prose Toad Vol. 2 No. 2
el burro : Prose Toad Vol. 2 No. 2
android plaid : Prose Toad Vol. 2 No. 2
MARCH 2005
a mile for a camel : The Persistent Mirage
How’d you like to be stuck here? : The Persistent Mirage
bring your black widow robot : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #35
fortune cookie : hutt 1.4
Ukiah No. 228 : Main Channel Voices
Ukiah No. 125 : Main Channel Voices
I need a [good] photo of myself – I’m umbrella
commander now. : Lunatic Chameleon
Thumper in the Rockies : Thieves Jargon
like a donkey’s smarter than I am : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #34
Rat Salad, Please : :::nostress:::
incense lesson : Megaera 21
hey, wouldn’t you like to turn on? : Megaera 21
Walden 2020 : Megaera 21
Helicopter Ambulance Service : decomP
a pig’s desks : Haggard & Halloo
California, Sunday 10:02 A.M. : Asinine Poetry
the bulldozing of rib cages : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #33
MINUS MCGEE : San Gabriel Valley Poetry Quarterly #26
3 Pops for Jack : San Gabriel Valley Poetry Quarterly #26
3 Pops for Jack : San Gabriel Valley Poetry Quarterly #26
3 Pops for Jack : San Gabriel Valley Poetry Quarterly #26
space face : Sein und Werden the third
Hazelnut : Cyanide
In Hoc Signo Vinces : :::nostress:::
KFC : Asinine Poetry
The Radd Report : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #32
The Monster : Thieves Jargon
decoy hearse : Zygote in my Coffee Issue #31
Ol’ Ezra the Astro-naut : Blue Mag
Antipodal Dream Sequence : :::nostress:::